Rat's Nest
Bloggage, rants, and occasional notes of despair

I disagree with what I say, and I won't defend my right to say it

Occasionally, one comes across a quotation so bizarre that one is tempted by the cliché of pinching oneself to ensure that one is not dreaming.

Thus Steven Den Beste quotes "Demosthenes" as saying

I've already explained why I stay pseudonymous, but in reality it's pretty simple- I don't want my arguments here to affect how people treat me in real life (unless I let them... some of my real life friends do know about the blog, but it's my decision), and more importantly I don't want interpretation of my arguments weighed by how people perceive my beliefs and interests- I'd prefer the arguments to stand on their own, and the reputation of Demosthenes to grow and exist apart from my reputation and credentials in real life.

Den Beste is a reliable writer.  But, this quote is so bizarre that some evidence that it is true is required.  And, it is.

Two different interpretations of this are possible:

  1. That Demosthenes is anxious to avoid the social cost of being known as holding the opinions expressed on his website
  2. That Demosthenes wants to act as an advocatus diaboli, and wishes to not have people confuse his expressiing ideas with his holding them.

In case #1:  T.S., Eliot.  Actions have consequences.  Being a stupid lefty is among those actions.

Case #2 is ruled out by his frequent avoidance of the issues hand, his trying to change the subject, his admiration of other leftists, and self-congratulory references to his own knowledge and wisdom -- in short, standard left-fascist "debating" techniques.

John "Akatsukami" Braue Monday, August 12, 2002
