Rat's Nest
Bloggage, rants, and occasional notes of despair

The Last Crusade -- or the Next Crusade?

An awful lot of powder has been burned in the blogosphere during the past several months concerning the fate of Western civilization, the fate of Islam, whether the U.S.'s perceived unilateralism portends the creation of an American Empire, and similar topics.

Something that should perhaps be better known in the blogosphere than it is is John J. Reilly's Spengler's Future.  I have a limited acquiantance with both Spengler's and Reilly's works, although I am in no sense a Spenglerian.  Nonetheless, the virtue of Spengler is that his work, although by no means "accessible" in the usual sense of that word, allows a quantitative and (nominally) objective assessment of the likely future of Western civilization.

Reilly has made that assessment.  Go read his work.  Even if you do not believe a word of it, you should still read it, that you may refute it.  Don't overlook his other writings, either.

John "Akatsukami" Braue Wednesday, May 08, 2002
