Rat's Nest
Bloggage, rants, and occasional notes of despair

I was wrong

Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs writes to me:

I don't know if you saw my reply to Rand Simberg on that "letter" from a
Palestinian he posted [link here -- JB]. But check out this article at the Arab News from
early April:


And ask yourself -- why was this sent to a travel agents' newsletter?

Well, the answer to that question is obvious -- some thug thought it was an worthwhile and unobvious outlet for his propaganda.

I don't think that Rand Simberg knew this; I certainly didn't.  And I think that in the absence of that knowledge, our attitudes towards it were correct.  But, now that Charles has found the source, there can no longer be any question but that it is anti-Semitic propaganda, to be denounced as such and then ignored.

I was wrong in giving it the benefit of the doubt.

John "Akatsukami" Braue Monday, May 06, 2002
